Team KokoNO

Team KokoNO's Fundraiser

Bridges Classic Golf Fundraiser image

Bridges Classic Golf Fundraiser

Join me in helping the youth of Kokomo!


$29,555 towards $20,000

For many years, Eric & Ian Heuer have been rounding up a group of guys to head to Kokomo to raise money for Bridges Outreach and play some golf. We are team KokoNo and we taking on the local Team Kokomo. The founder of Bridges Outreach, Travis Taflinger, is a dear friend and college roommate of Team KokoNO's captain, Eric Heuer. Travis's heart for youth and Kokomo are truly inspiring. The ministry is an after-school program that helps at-risk youth in the Kokomo area and they've grown to the point that they serve hundreds of kids in multiple schools throughout the Kokomo area every year. I wanted to check and see if you would consider donating. Please don't feel pressure as I know there are plenty of other ministries to support. We just know the people behind this ministry and how passionate they are about sharing Jesus with these kids and loving them during difficult times.